Archive for May, 2020

The Covid Renaissance

May 24, 2020

Got up in time to watch Sunday Morning on CBS. One of the first segments was about the boom in home bread making.

The Covid 19 Epidemic has caused people to panic and buy up much more than they need. In most markets, the bread shelves are empty.

In response to the empty shelves, resourceful people are baking their own bread because flour is plentiful and if they cannot find yeast at the market, they’re making sourdough bread.

I’m not the only person that watches Sunday Morning on CBS, so it’s just a matter of time before lots more people will be at home baking.

I’m already seeing my more adventurous friends posting pics of pies and cakes – on social media – that they’re baking at home. And they’re offering their homemade bake goods for sale to us less adventurous folks.


Weezie’s homemade apple pie

I don’t bake but I am taking a lot more tub baths, writing more and listening to the radio a lot more.

While I was playing with my rubber ducky in the tub, NPR had a blurb about resourceful people who are planting home gardens this spring in direct response to rising food prices and shortages at markets.

It’s a matter of time before more folks will be raising chickens for meat and fresh eggs. I live in a city with lots of folks with country inclinations but the City of Detroit prohibits raising live stock. Maybe that should change.

Covid 19 has inadvertently created cottage industries all over the world and inexorably changed how we’re living in the 21st century. We’ve been forced to slow down and take a step back in order to survive.

We hominids are experiencing a global cultural renaissance. Because we’re forced to stay at home, those of us that haven’t drank ourselves or anesthetized ourselves into somnambulance are cooking fancier meals, creating more art, writing more books, dusting off our musical instruments and playing them and reading more books.

Covid 19 is far more resistant to elimination than most people want to realize. I expect that societies around the world will be changing. And hopefully for the better.