Archive for February, 2021

Late To The Party

February 21, 2021

As I age, I’ve come to the realization that I’m ‘out of step’ with trends and things that are current. I’m a Baby Boomer. Since the post war baby boom there have been three new generations. I have no children and my nieces and nephews are approaching their 50’s so I have no direct contact with a wide range of younger people.

I date and interact with women much younger than me but I know intrinsically that they are not representative of the mainstream. My main connection to the outside world is media. I unashamedly watch a lot of television. A friend gave me a Roku a few Christmases ago, so my ability to watch different programs has increased exponentially.

I recently began watching The Real Side Chicks of Charlotte. I was three episodes into the series and I had to take a break. I needed to process what I had watched. I had a brief moment of post traumatic lust. I’m not often overwhelmed by what I see or experience. I write erotic novels and my novels and story lines are based on real life events for the most part. I embarrass a lot of my readers. A few have told me my work is absolutely disgusting. Notwithstanding, nothing I’ve written compares to the real lives of the young women in The Real Side Chicks of Charlotte.

The Scenario That Caused Me To Pause – One of the side chicks Lynette had a housewarming. She invited her out of town boo to the soiree but not her in town man who of course crashed the party. Her out of town boo from New York City was unsettled. To make up for her faux pas Lynette traveled north and had a threesome with her NYC Boo.

Predictably her NYC Boo hooked up with the sidepiece Lynette brought to the threesome. There are apparently no secrets in reality tv so when he returned to Charlotte Lynette physically assaulted him while they were having dinner at a restaurant.

Why You Mad? – Lynette was upset that NYC Boo had ‘cheated’ on her with the sidepiece she brought to him for the ménage à trois and told him with a straight face that indiscretions like the one he had committed was one of the reasons she didn’t have a boyfriend! NYC Boo didn’t lose his cool. He reminded her that she brought the sidepiece to him because she was embarrassed that he was confronted by the revelation of her other man.

I turned off the tv at that point.

The irony is disconcerting; sharing your bed with two men is no big deal but you’re livid when one of them has sex with a woman you brought to him.

In my time on this planet, I’ve met a few women like her but they were one of a kind; a 10 carat ruby in a field of diamonds. In fact, their unique take on love, sex and fidelity was what drew me to them and inexorably defined my affinity for them.

A few months ago, one of those rare gems made her transition. I am devastated by her loss. She is in fact the reason I turned off the tv. But I know I’ll watch again.